The path of transpersonal reiki is simple, accessible to everyone and does not require any prior qualifications or special talent. Learning reiki consists of four levels, but it is not mandatory to perform the four levels to practice reiki, since from the first level you can practice this technique. However, with each additional degree of reiki the energy is more intense, there is additional work on ourselves. We could say that, in a way, the reiki that we will practice, as we go through the different levels, becomes more intense.

There is also no predefined integration period or minimum practice time, although some classic authors recommend 21 days to start sharing reiki with others. Basically, everything depends on each one, on how committed you are to yourself and on the desire you have to work and practice.

Learning reiki is suitable for anyone who wants it, regardless of age. Once you have started in reiki, it will be an intrinsic part of your life and you will be able to practice it when you decide, even after years without practicing it.

The four levels of reiki

Transpersonal reiki is accessible, simple and natural, and its learning is done in four structured levels, which are the following:

First level

The history of reiki is studied and the first initiation and instructions to practice the laying on of hands are received. As we saw above, to give solemnity to the event the master can conduct an initiation ritual with the first symbol, which is tuned to the energy of the physical body. From this moment you can apply reiki to other people and self-apply it to yourself.

Second level

To move to the second level it is necessary to have the first. At this level the emotional aspects are worked, one learns to recognize personal emotions, to accept them and to integrate them. Techniques are studied to unlock emotions and try not to feedback them by reliving them again and again. The past is part of our history, it is a source of knowledge, experience and wisdom, but it must not become an emotional prison that blocks our present and prevents enjoying peace and well-being.

Third level

Once practiced and integrated the second level, it is passed to the third. In it the mental body is worked. The initiation of the symbol that channels the energy of the mental body is received. In this third level we obtain the necessary tools and knowledge that will help us improve our mental patterns, in terms of ourselves and our reality.

Master's degree

The mastery of transpersonal reiki is received after going through the first, second and third levels, and it is decided to teach transpersonal reiki to other people and take it into daily practice as a reiki therapist following the Five Principles of reiki. At this level various symbols are received, among them the one that attunes to the energy of the spiritual body.

Exercising the mastery of reiki entails an internal journey, because in short it is about exploring one's own human nature in all its dimensions: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Exercising the mastery of transpersonal reiki requires cultivating personal qualities, good mood, humility and generosity. And for this you have to have a lot of patience, both to learn and to teach, but always with joy and passion.

Who is a good practitioner? How to recognize a good Reiki Master?
Sooner or later we all ask ourselves these questions, which are certainly totally legitimate. Not only when it comes to reiki, but also when we need a therapist, either a specialist in conventional or complementary medicine. In the case of reiki, the first impulse is to answer that there are neither good nor bad practitioners, only more or less effective practitioners. When a person decides to get involved in the practice of reiki, regardless of his motivations, he goes through a series of situations common to any novice or experienced practitioner. This tour begins with the first experience, the first contact or your initiation to reiki, goes through different intermediate levels and ends with the master's degree, with the professional dedication to be able to share and teach the technique to third parties.

Did you know all the levels of reiki from the initial to the mastery? Is there any aspect that has come to you again?