Herbodietetica is a current based on the use of medicinal plants and seeks health benefits through elements that nature offers us, it would be a mixture between nutrition and Dietetics and the use of medicinal plants for prevention or treat various pathologies.

Phytotherapy is one of the oldest tools in our society to treat various pathologies, although Plant Therapy sounds ancient every time natural remedies are taking more strength E our society.

Who has not taken chamomile when he had a tummy ache? Or a little honey when he suffered from a sore throat?

It is also important to emphasize that there does not have to be an incompatibility between the use of medicinal plants and drugs, you simply have to know well the use of medicinal plants in the case of needing drugs that there is no interaction.

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What is Herbodietetica used for?

Phytotherapy is increasingly used for the treatment of diseases in the modern world, they can be useful in various pathologies such as in the treatment of allergies, digestive processes, joint pains, insomnia, to increase immunity, etc.

That is why it is very important to know the phytotherapeutic preparations, their dosage, adverse effects, drug interactions, etc.

Professionals specializing in Herbodietetica must be well trained to ensure safety in their professional acts.

What is Phytotherapy?

Phytotherapy is the science that studies the use of products of plant origin for therapeutic purposes either to prevent, mitigate or cure a pathological state.

It deals with the study of Botany and studies the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic aspects of medicinal plant-based drugs and their clinical studies.

The healing power of a medicinal plant will be in one or more components found in a specific part of the plant which is called the active substance.

Essential oils that are formed by volatile organic substances are currently very much in use.

It is so important to know the medicinal plants as the way to grow and collect them so that they are at their most optimal time since the reproductive cycles will vary according to the chosen species and it is important to properly conserve the medicinal plants so that they retain their best characteristics and can take advantage of all their properties.

History of Phytotherapy

The practice of Phytotherapy is the oldest medicine in the world, individuals and ancient societies maintained close contact with nature and that had repercussions even if it was accidentally to the ingestion of plants both toxic and with healing effects.

The plants remain the basis of the fight against the disease in many communities and in some traditional medicines such as traditional Chinese medicine or the ayurvedic medicine is the traditional medicine indicates that proper nutrition, massage, medicinal plants, yoga, and meditation affect various health problems.

The Arabs also emphasized the importance of the diet for the maintenance of Health and used many spices and aromatic herbs for healing purposes such as ginger, pepper, peppermint among others.

How to take medicinal plants?

There are different form to prepare our medicinal plants, some can be taken in infusions or tisanes, some plants can be taken in juice or juices, some that require more dosage or to be more exact it can be useful to take them in the powder, syrups, liniments which is the mixture of extracts of medicinal plants with oil or alcohol that is applied on the skin, extracts, tinctures or ointments to apply on the skin.

Do they have any adverse effects?

There is a belief that being natural can not harm our health, but we can not forget that natural therapies can also cause adverse effects if not used correctly, hence the importance of asking for information from a health professional or a person with studies and training to avoid possible interactions and adverse reactions.

Why study Herbodietetica?

Natural therapies that resort to a correct diet, lifestyle and natural remedies are increasingly used by many people who seek to maintain a good state of health.

The person specializing in Herbodietetica will be able to work in a Herbodietetica center or as a herbalist.

You have to know the basic principles in nutrition and dietetics, know the power in different pathologies and stages of life, to study well the use of different medicinal plants and their uses, the form of application, interactions, and benefits that can be obtained with its use to obtain health benefits.